Thursday, September 26, 2013

Using Examples As Models For A Blog Of My Own

Reading the two sample Educational Narratives, Feross Aboukhadijeh’s “How I Learned to Program Computers” and Joshua J. Romero’s “How I Learned to Live Google-free”, I gained valuable information from these examples on how I could use these resources for my own personal blog. 
At first sight I was intimidated by the length of each article, the depth of their expertise of the information on the subject matter they shared, and their ability to use techniques in making their blogs look fancy with use of tools, such as pictures and links. 
I am overwhelmed.  My computer and internet skills are lacking.  How will I ever learn all the techniques needed to accomplish a blog of my own?  I would be better off creating a Vlog that someone else who is technically savvy can film, edit, and upload for me.  A personal stylist who does hair and make-up and someone to take care of set design and lighting would be a big help, too.  A team of writers would be wonderful.  I cannot expect to come up with witty comments all on my own, especially on a regular basis.  As usual, I have gotten off topic.  My delusion of grandeur has led me to seeing this assignment in a bigger and brighter way. 

Using the samples listed above as models, I came to a few conclusions on how I can adapt the styles to better suit my personality.   First of all, I would talk about something of interest; Not just to me, but others as well.  Second, I want to share useful information; Information that comes “from my heart” and not just “from my head”.  And last but not least, I’d like to infuse my personality into each blog post. 


  1. The length of the first essay was mostly due to the inclusion of images of Aboukhadijeh's websites, along with his choice of large font size. If it were reduced to be only text, it would not be as intimidating.
    Adding images and including links is actually very easy, and I would not mind assisting you if you need help.
    If you had a team of writers, where would the YOU be in YOUR blog? This is a place for you to express yourself, not follow a script that may project you to be your complete opposite.
    I enjoy it when people put themselves into their writing--it adds an enjoyable subsistence when some other writers write only to churn out a profit. :)

  2. Jane, you certainly infused your writing with your personality... and its ok to be delusional once in awhile. It makes for more interesting reading, in my opinion, if you were to go off topic just a bit - keeps the reader on their toes.
