Thursday, February 20, 2014



Bipolar disorder has held a negative connotation for many people.  The social stigma associated with this mental illness can be attributed to the fact that the general public does not understand the illness. They are uninformed about definition of bipolar disorder and make assumptions that do not necessarily correlate with the facts.  Previously known as manic depression, the illness has been linked to words such as crazy, maniac, and madness causing negative reactions and fear.  This project will give information about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of bipolar disorder.  How do the symptoms of bipolar disorder affect the lives of the person who has it and the people around them?  What are the causes of this illness?  Why do some people choose to get treatment while others do not?  Bipolar disorder is a misunderstood disease with many negative and positive aspects.

Review of Literature:

Sources reviewed include the 2013 research article “Understanding Treatment Hon-adherence in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: a Survey of What Service Users Do and Why” by Susanne Gibson and colleagues for BMC (BioMed Central) Psychiatry.  Its authors provide statistical information and analyze reasons why over half of the participants in the study do not follow treatment recommendations.   Another source from BMC Psychiatry in 2013 by Holly Peay, Donald Rosenstein and Barbara Biesecker, “Adaptation to bipolar disorder and perceived risk to children: a survey of parents with bipolar disorder” assesses the perceptions of the risk of parents with bipolar disorder passing on the illness to their children.  A source by Guy Goodwin and colleagues, “ECNP consensus meeting.  Bipolar Depression.  Nice, March 2007” in European Neuropsychopharmacology from 2008 discuss the criteria for bipolar disorder described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) from the American Psychiatric Association published in 1994 as well as the types of medication used for treatment and its effectiveness.  Jihyung Hong and colleagues published a research article for Pharmacoecomonics in 2010, “The Cost of Relapse for Patients with a Manic/Mixed Episode of Bipolar Disorder in the EMBLEM Study”, analyzing the substantial costs and the economic impact of relapse of bipolar patients.  A paper written by Klára Látalová, “Insight in Bipolar Disorder” published  by Psychiatry Quarterly in 2012, discusses the association of how better insight correlates to a better outcome from treatment.  “Bipolar disorder” a report provided by the University of Maryland Medical Center, discusses the different aspects regarding the causes, diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder highlighting the different categories of the illness and specific treatment guidelines for the each type of the disorder including drugs, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.  Steve Bressert’s article, “Frequently Asked Questions About Bipolar Disorder” written for PsychCentral in 2006, answers common questions regarding bipolar disorder including heritability, other medical conditions that manifest symptoms similar to the disorder,  how to be nonjudgmental towards someone with the condition, and how medication, information, support, and lifestyle affects it.  In her article in the Winter 2012 issue of Bipolar Magazine, “Accentuate the POSITIVE”, Elizabeth Forbes identifies some positive characteristics associated with bipolar disorder such as creativity, drive, innovation, resilience, and empathy.  In Madeline Vann’s contribution to, “Is There a Bright Side to Bipolar Disorder?”, she writes about the advantages of hypomania in bipolar disorder.  “Advantages in Bipolar: No Longer If, But Why and How.” from, written by Tom Wootton, published on June 21, 2013 in Bipolar Advantage, highlights the presentations of four doctors at the APA annual conference who spoke about their research on people affected with bipolar disorder and why they exhibit certain advantages in their lives.

Plan to Collect Information:

The sources that I have collected so far are ten peer-reviewed scholarly articles using Academic Search Premier from the Olympic College website, over ten resources from various websites I have found during Google searches, three books I have checked out from the Kitsap Regional Library (Touched with Fire by Kay Redfield Jamison, Living with Someone Who’s Living with Bipolar Disorder: A Practical Guide for Family, Friends, and Coworkers by Chelsea Lowe and Bruce M. Cohen, and The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: What You and Your Family Need to Know by David J. Miklowitz), one book that I personally own (An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison) and a reference book I found at the Olympic College Poulsbo Library (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) by the American Psychiatric Association.  I have found information on Google Images which include the articles they originated from that has some useful information.  I have also had conversations with two psychiatrists, six psychologists and an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner.  Although I did not perform official interviews with the intent of using the information in writing my research paper, I did gain valuable information and personal advice about the symptoms and treatment specific to bipolar disorder for myself and other family members affected by this illness.  Over the past year, I have shared many conversations with my husband about the information we have found during our individual research to understand this disorder.  For a public speaking class I took during the summer of 2013, I polled the class asking various questions about their perceptions and understanding of bipolar disorder that I used in my final speech.  On Facebook, I asked the question, “Does anyone have experience with trying to control bipolar disorder without medication?”, and received some personal messages about the experiences of others regarding the use, or non use, of medication for themselves or that of close family members. I have also posted many “statuses” regarding my personal experience with this illness and received many responses, some helpful and some not, that has given me insight on how others perceive this disorder.  Although I will not be using my personal experiences directly, it will help me determine which information would be beneficial to use from my cited sources.

Project Timeline:

Towards the end of January, I gathered my sources and compiled them in the form of a Working Bibliography in MLA format.  This included spending time searching for the required number of sources using the parameters outlined in the class syllabus.  After completing this Research Proposal, I plan to work on my Annotated Bibliography that is due this week.  I will also need to complete a Literature Review of a minimum of 20 sources.  To accomplish this, I will finish reading my material and choose the necessary information needed to include in my paper.  By February 27th, I will need to have completed the Final draft of my Outline, Rationale and Abstract.  On this day, I will bring three copies of my Rough Draft to be reviewed during an In-Class Lab.  Afterwards, I will have a week to make revisions according to the feedback of my peers.  On March 6, we will have a Drafting Workshop where I will have a chance to polish my research paper even more.  The final draft of my research paper is due March 13th.

Working Bibliography:

Angst, Jules. “Bipolar Disorders in DSM-5: Strengths, Problems and Perspectives.”
International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. 1:12 (2013):1-3. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Jan. 2014.

“Are There Benefits to Having Bipolar Disorder?” The National
Center for Whole Psychiatry. n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2014.

“Bipolar Disorder.” Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. n.d. Web.

18 Jan. 2014.

“Bipolar Disorder.” University of Maryland Medical Center. n.d. Web. 18 Jan.

“Bipolar Disorder Statistics.” Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.
n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2014.

 “Bipolar Disorder Statistics.” Statistic Brain. Jul. 2012. Web. 18 Jan.

Bressert, Steve. “Frequently Asked Questions About Bipolar Disorder.” PsychCentral, 2006. Web 18 Jan. 2014.

Carney, Reed. “Bipolar Disorder Advantages and Disadvantages.”
 Articlesbase, May 2010. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.

 Cosgrove, Victoria E. and Trisha Suppes. "Informing DSM-5: Biological Boundaries
Between Bipolar I Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Schizophrenia.” BMC Medicine 11:127 (2013): 1-7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Jan. 2014.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).  Washington D.C.:
American Psychiatric Association, 1994. Print.

Duckworth, Ken. “Bipolar Disorder.” National Alliance of Mental Illness,
2011. Web. 18 Jan. 2014.

Duckworth, Ken. “Understanding Bipolar Disorder and Recovery.” National
Alliance of Mental Illness, Aug. 2008. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.

Forbes, Elizabeth. “Accentuate the POSITIVE.” Bipolar Magazine, Winter
2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.

Gibson, Susanne, et al. “Understanding Treatment Non-adherence in Schizophrenia and
Bipolar Disorder: A Survey of What Service Users Do and Why.” BMC Psychiatry 13.1 (2013): 1-12. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Jan. 2014.

Goodwin, Guy M., et al. “ECNP Consensus Meeting.  Bipolar Depression.  Nice, March
2007.” European Neuropsychopharmacology 18 (2008): 535-549. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Jan. 2014.

Henry, Brook L., Arpi Minassian, and William Perry. “Everyday Functional Ability
Across Different Phases of Bipolar Disorder.” Psychiatry Research 210 (2013): 850-856. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.

Hong, Jihyung, et al. “The Cost of Relapse for Patients with a Manic/Mixed Episode of
Bipolar Disorder in the EMBLEM Study.” Pharmacoecomonics 28.7 (2010): 555-566. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.

Jamison, Kay R. Touched with Fire. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. Print. 

Jamison, Kay R. An Unquiet Mind. New York: Random House, Inc, 1995. Print. 

Látalová, Klára. “Insight in Bipolar Disorder.” Psychiatry Quarterly 83 (2012): 293-310.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. 

Liang, Min-Jie, et al. “Identify Changes of Brain Regional Homogeneity in Bipolar
Disorder and Unipolar Depression Using Resting-State fMRI.” PLOS ONE 8:12 (2013) 1-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. 

Lowe, Chelsea and Bruce M. Cohen. Living with Someone Who’s Living with Bipolar
Disorder: A Practical Guide for Family, Friends, and Coworkers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 2010. Print. 

“Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder.” John Hopkins Medicine
Health Library. n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. 

Miklowitz, David J. The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: What You and Your Family
Need toKnow. New York: The Guilford Press. 2011. Print.

Pålsson, Erik, et al. “Neurocognitive Function in Bipolar Disorder: a Comparison
Between Bipolar I and II Disorder and Matched Controls.” BMC Psychiatry 13:165 (2013) 1-9. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. 

Peay, Holly L., et al. “Adaptation to Bipolar Disorder and Perceived Risk to Children: A
Survey of Parents With Bipolar Disorder.” BMC Psychiatry 13.1 (2013): 1-18. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. 

Pedersen, Tracy. “Benefits of Bipolar Disorder?”  Psych Central. May
2012. Web. Jan. 23, 2014. 

United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services.  Bipolar Disorder. NIMH
Publication 08-3679. 2008. WEB. 18 Jan. 2014. 

Vann, Madeline. “Is There a Bright Side to Bipolar Disorder?”
Everyday Health Media, LLC. n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. 

Wootton, Tom. “Advantages in Bipolar: No Longer If, But Why and How.” Bipolar Advantage. 21 Jun. 2013. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.

Images Cited: 

becauseilive. “How to Tell if You Have Bipolar Disorder.” Hubpages,
Apr. 2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. 

Hirschfeld, Robert . “Bipolar Depression: The Real Challenge.”
Medscape, LLC., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. 

Khalife, Sami, Vivek Singh, and David J. Munzina. “Bipolar Disorder.” The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Aug. 2010. Web.  23 Jan. 2014. 

Nemade, Rashmi, and Mark Dombeck. “Contemporary Understanding of Bipolar
Disorder: Causes and Outcomes.” CenterSite, LLC., Aug. 2009.  Web. 23 Jan. 2014.  

Porter, Eloise. “9 Famous Faces of Bipolar Disorder.” Healthline
Networks, Inc.,  Oct. 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.  


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