Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Bedford Researcher Chapter 17 Summary

The "Bedford Researcher" discuses "Revising and Editing" in chapter 17.  Although these processes are similar, the process in which they are used are different.  These techniques aids the writer to evaluate  the effectiveness of their draft and allows them to improve on it.

In revising of your document, you will need to consider "big picture" issues that supports your arguments and achieves your purpose of conveying your issues.  When paying close attention to the parameters of the requirements of your assignment, it is important that you recognize where you can improve.  The thesis statement should be clear and concise and is the first area of consideration.  The correct use of integrating your ideas and separating it from those of others can be done by properly citing your sources within your document.  The location of information and ideas can be easy to follow with effective use of structure and organization.  The type of document that is presented influences the design elements and style that would be most appropriate to the appearance and mood you are trying to elicit from your audience.  Strategies that could be beneficial to revising your work are to save multiple drafts to document to establish the changes you have made and to make comparisons; highlighting of your main point, reasons, and evidence to organize your information; putting your self in the place of your readers to challenge your assumptions; scan, outline, and map your document to check the effectiveness of the transition of  your ideas; and finally, asking for feedback to measure the response of others to examine the effectiveness of the conveyance of your information.

Editing your project, pay particular attention to accuracy of the details (facts and figures, quotations and the spelling of every name), economy (the choice of words to express yourself, yet enabling your readers to easily understand your ideas), consistency (the presentation of information employing the same format throughout your paper), style (distinguishing between the different formats that will enhance the discussion within the content of your work), and spelling, grammar, and punctuation (this affects the impression of the reader to your credibility). 

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