Thursday, January 16, 2014

Evaluate a Website on My Topic.

I chose the subject of Manic Depression for the subject of my final paper.  In this in class lab, I have to answer questions to complete a tutorial on page 90 from The Bedford Researcher using my website as my topic.

The website I have chosen after doing a google search using the key words "manic depression" was

1.      In checking the domain and seeing that it is a .com, its purpose is business.

2.      Checking the Title Bar, the site’s purpose is to educate.  The publisher has relevance.

3.      WebMD is a legitimate source that covers many topics within the medical world.

4.      The article was reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on February 01, 2012.

5.      The article was mainly text without illustrations relating to the subject matter.

6.       The footer showed the publisher but I could not the find the author.  It was published by WebMD, LLC.

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