Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sample Research Paper

As we start our new quarter in English 102 we are preparing to write a formal MLA research paper.  As an exercise during our first day of class, we read sample research paper "Reinstating Compulsory Conscription" written by Carol Rivers for her English 101 class with Dr. Chrzanowski on July 12, 2009 from the Jefferson State University of New York.  After reading the paper, the class split up in groups of two or three people to discuss the contents of the paper.  We compared it to the requirements of our formal paper that will be due at the end our quarter.  We then discussed our findings as a class.

We agreed that the sample paper was 3000+ words in length which was sufficient to meet our requirements.  We thought that the citations within the body of the paper were not as clear as we would have liked them to be.  There were long sentences throughout the paper as if the author tried too hard to sound smart, which made it boring and hard to understand.  Transition phrases where confusing to the organization of the paper.  Signal phrases were employed somewhat.  More signal phrases citing resources would have made the paper stronger.  Although a large number of sources were employed, the majority of the class believed that some sources cited did not seem as credible as others.  Some examples were years older than others or from sources that seemed weak in our opinion, such as one from the "National High School Debate Topic...". 

The writer reiterated the same things over and over.  There were many holes in the paper that did not seem to be filled.  The paper was written looking at both sides of the debate.  Though fact based, picking apart the topic made the paper seem biased.  The paper seemed emotional.  It failed to make a sound argument as a persuasive paper.

While it is not the best example as a paper, there is enough information included to receive a grade to pass the class.

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