Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Bedford Researcher Chapter 1 Summary

Chapter 1 of the Bedford Researcher is a wonderful resource in trying to start the process of coming up with ideas for a research paper.  It gives suggestions about coming up with the right topic using different processes.

The first chapter begins with a section entitled, "How can I research and write with confidence?"  The chapter has a lot of good ideas in guiding the writer to finding a good topic in which he or she will have enough information and resources to write whatever style of paper that is required.  There are many styles to consider when taking your subject and audience into consideration.  It can be a challenge deciding how to use information after searching though different databases that fit the parameters required to produce the final paper.  Collecting information and developing it in an organized matter is of upmost importance.

The second section of the chapter, "How can I choose an appropriate topic?" concentrates on analyzing the guidelines and audience of the paper.  It suggests ways to generate ideas in choosing an appropriate topic.  This is a critical area because the type of document you are writing and your audience has a major effect on what you choose to write and how you should go about it.  The requirements of the paper need to be kept into consideration also.  You want to make sure that what you produce is appropriate. 

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