Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Chalk": Real Time Notes

Opening scene, Introduction.  Grew up surrounded by teachers...he would hear war stories...salary, administration...No one ever quit because they loved being teachers.

50% quit within the first three years of teaching.

First day of school...

History:  Mr. Stroup.

PE:  Coach Webb.

Show up, be prepared.

Mrs. Reddel:  Assistant Principal:  discipline... doesn't know what to do.

PE: Trust exercise, fall back.

"History does it mean to you?"...silence...

Used to belive that administration means not taking papers home.  In reality, there is more paperwork, more reports.

Summer stories exchanged in class about love, travel, work.

How long have you been a teacher?  Mr. Lowery used to be in computer engineering...(looks at the clock) an hour and ten minutes.

Talking about math in the teacher's lounge.

Aptitude test, said that he would do well at teaching or veterinary medicine.

Mr. Fletcher was found guilty so Mrs. Reddel got the job as AP.

Mr. Sroupe -3 years

Coach Webb -2 years

33 weeks until summer...

Interview about growth and values...sarcasm, cleanliness, organization, lesson plans.

Lesson plans due Friday before the week you teach.

Fighting errupts...AP yells like a loon.  "Nothing to see here!"

As a PE teacher, there are instances where people think Coach Web is gay.  People think that all PE teachers are gay.

Teacher not ready for person to watch him teach his class.

Don't be a friend.  "I care about you and I trust you and I have your best interest at heart."

To stop fighting in classroom he focuses on the Preamble of the United States and talks about respect in classroom.

AP...Personal conversation with spouse, tells him 2-3-4.  Got home at 10.

"Focus needs to be on the students and not the class."

Put name on food in refrigerator in teachers lounge.

"55 days in Peking" about mail.

Tardy Policy.  PRC.

PE teacher starting walking club before school...tells fat teacher she needs exercise.

Teacher mad because he can't find his chalk and the class won't talk about where it is.  Has student teach class.  Walks out of class.

One week until thanksgiving...

PE teacher..."Students are what they think they make you think they are....You make students understand your expectations for them....They start performing at that level."

Teacher needs a book on classroom management.

Student using words that the teacher does not understand.  Another student knows more history more that teacher.  Teacher reprimands them ant tells them to dumb it down so he does not look stupid in class.

Yoga moves for PE.  Learning to breathe in slightly weird stretches.

History teacher says, "I tried to incorporate humor to make things more lively in the classroom.  Some people take jokes seriously."

PE...Found a love interest.  Enjoys work, looks forward to seeing him and getting to know him.

Janitor drops piano cleaning under it.

Staff meeting...Hornets won at volleyball...teacher to teacher...who checks personal email...teacher field trip...borrow ream of personal copies...borrow money from petty has to stop.  Taking cash, stealing paper, borrow stapler.  WIN...with integrity now.  They are supposed to be role models but they are doing these things.

Two weeks until Christmas...

Personal talk while eating lunch.  Twirls a baton.

Teacher calling home, asks student the number...leaves a message to dad about the student's grade.  No one there.

Dance in hall between PE and new teacher...Dream by male teacher.  AP walks in on him sleeping.  AP asks if he is dating anyone.  He has been divorced for two years.  Can't imagine having time for a person life.

History teacher goes shooting.  Misses.  6 out of 10 kids walk away with a college education.  Sometimes you get it.

AP talks to parent on the phone about a student and knives at school. 

Cell phones in classroom.  Get out of the classroom.

Teachers' night out at a tavern.  Flirting between PE and new teacher.  Telling of classroom horror stories.

Sixteen weeks until summer...

Teacher of the year...History teacher giving speech trying to get votes.

New teacher talking about getting respect.  Talking to students mother about the cell phone incident.  Mother has a good relationship with her son.  No back talk.  Son serves them wine.  She gives teacher a pep talk.

AP at school late again...calling husband on the phone saying she will be 2 more hours.

PE teacher complaining to AP about hall duty and tardiness.  People are not recycling right either.

PE--Bridging the gap between teaching and administration.--talking about AP.

Teacher of the year debate...He didn't win teacher of the year.  Discussion with class about Ms. Townsend.  He freaks out.  Turns a desk over.  "Have you ever went up against your grandma and got beat.  I got beaten by a grandma."

APs cover when they can't get subs and the last two days have been the best for her.  She misses teaching.

PE teacher watching carrying a soccer ball.

13 days until summer...

Free time in class.  New teacher lets kid check his cell phone.  Mr. Lowery raps.  He teachers history

He crammed for spelling be with the help of his students.

Staff meeting...what would Mr. Lowery do to change for his second year.  He is not sure if he even likes teaching.  He may not come back.

PE---learned that she needs to find a new way to approach people. 

AP---"It starts at home 1-57.  58 starts at school."

New Teacher---"being a teacher maybe is something you could learn but no one has taught me."  He packs up his stuff, puts his backpack on and walks out turning off the lights.

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