Friday, November 1, 2013

Dead Poets Society Real Time Notes Part 1

Welton Acedemy, 1959: Boys Prep School in Vermont.

Banners up in a procession with bag pipes for open ceremonies playing in front to Professors, parents and students.

Headmaster Nolan, "Tradition, honor, discipline and excellence."

Introduction of Mr. Keating, new English teacher, poetry. 

Showing of the differences between goodbyes of established older students and young first timers with their parents.

Intro of new kid to the campus. Todd Anderson, brother of valedictorian.

Mr. Perry wants Neil Perry to drop The Annual, the school newspaper to concentrate in getting into medical school.  Father demands respect tells his son what to do, won't let his son get a word in edgeways.

Chemistry, Latin, Trigonometry...Poetry.

Keating tells his students to call him "O Captain!  My Captain!"

"We are all worm food."

Keating has the boys peruse pictures in trophy cases to compare that they are one and the same.

He says, "Listen...Carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary."

Knox Overstreet meets Joe Danburry to have dinner.  He meets Chris who is engaged to Chet Danburry.

The english textbook...rate poetry...excrement.  Keating has the boys rip out the page.  He tells them to rip out entire introduction.  Headmaster comes in and checks out what is going on.

"Words and ideas can change the world."


Keating was a former Welton student.  The boys find an old annual and asks about Keating about The Dead Poets Society.

The boys secretly revive The Dead Poets Society and arrange to meet beyond the stream..."tonight".

Five Centuries of Verse

The boys sneak out across a field and into the woods into a cave. 

They tell ghost stories.

They sneak back to the school and start the next day.

They read passages from book in accents.

Keating standing on desk, "You must constantly look at things in a different way."  He has the boys follow suit.  He has them compose a poem of their original work.

Activity on school grounds...rowing...fencing.

Neil Perry.  A Midsummer Night's Dream.  Open tryouts.

Knox sneaks off to a coed school on a bike to look for Chris .

Neil forges a note to get permission to take the lead As Puck in the play.

Each students gets up in front of the class to read their poetry.  Todd does not write his assignment and Keating leads him in an exercise.

Keating writes on chalkboard..."I sound barbaric YAWP over the top of the world."

Todd says something profound from the top of his head, shocking him and his classmates with the outcome.

The boys smoke pipes in the cave.  The god of the cave is a lamp.

Knox calls Chris and hangs up.  Carpe Diem.  Calls back.  She invited him to a party at the Danburry's home.  Knox says, "The point is that she was thinking about me.  She is going to be mine."


Two paths converge in the woods...

It is Puck's birthday.  His parents give him the same gift two years in a row.  He didn't like it the first time.  A desk set.  He throws it.

The students In Dead Poets Society seem more likely to be free to do as they please.  Keating tries to teach them to keep an open mind compared to students in the first movie Stand and Deliver.  Escalante tried to have the students follow his rules.

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