Friday, November 8, 2013

Further Drafting Exercises

We received numerous worksheets to help us write our second paper.  They centered on exercises that prompt us to richly illustrate parts for our paper.  For me it was hard.  I am not a creative writing person.  It is difficult for me to try to break out of my bubble.  Try as I might, I am barely stretching out of my comfort zone.  It is tough and excruciating.  I feel like I am banging my head on a wall. 

Trying to go around and around to describe scenes in an interesting way is not easy for me.  I am literal.  I read EXACTLY what is written; there is no reading between the lines with me.  Tell me what you mean and mean what you say. Trying to describe scenes in the movies is more like word for word dialog with me.  I concentrate on the words and not necessarily on the way they are spoken or the body language of the person speaking.  

As I rework my paper in my mind, I am slowly going crazy.  I need to find the happy medium.  One where I fulfill all the parameters of the assignment AND where I feel like I did a good job.

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