Thursday, November 14, 2013

My High School Experience vs. Gatto

I would have to say that my high school experience mirrored that of  Gatto.  I was bored in high school, I didn't try very hard.  It was the same routine, day in and day out.  People were put into groups and basically stayed within the bounds of that group all through school.  If you follow the routine, and keep your nose out of trouble, you can barely scrape by and do just enough to pass.  Teachers taught just enough to get everyone by and didn't really give extra attention to those who needed it.  All you had to do was pass the course, even just barely. 

It seemed as if the system was catered to a special breed: a breed of good people, good citizens, and to make each person his or her personal best.  I believe, just as Gatto that the system of school is meant to make good people and good citizens, but I disagree that it makes people their personal best.  As I stated before, in my experience, I didn't do my personal best.  I was not filled with knowledge nor was my intelligence awakened.  I just wanted to get through the academics by taking "easy A" courses and focused on my social life instead.

I believe that school did not help me grow up.  I feel that it left me as a child, following blindly the rules.  We were taught that all you had to do is go to class and just show up and do the minimum required.  It didn't take much effort as long as you did not bring attention to yourself you didn't have to participate much in classes.  I got along with school by taking easy classes and staying out of the limelight.

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