Friday, November 1, 2013

Dead Poets Society Real Time Notes Part 2

For the first time, girls are brought to the cave...Gloria and Tina....Passionate Interpretation.

Knox arrives at a couples party...he did not bring a date.  Drinking and making out.  Chet beats Knox up for kissing his girl.

Article published in school newspaper demanding that girls get into Welton submitted to the paper by the Dead Poets Society.

Charlie Dalton says, "God says that we should have girls at Welton."

Gets paddle to bottom 4x and asked about names for the DPS.
Turn everybody in, apologize and won't get kicked out of the school.

Nolan to Keating...Tradition, discipline, prepare for college.

"Sucking the marrow out of life does not mean choking on the bone."

Neil's father shows up at school to reprimand him about acting the day before opening night.

Neil goes to Keating to talk...loves teaching and would not want to be anywhere else.  He urges him to talk to his father about passion for acting...he is playing the part of the dutiful son.  Prove it to his father with conviction and passion.

Knox tries to apologize to Chris with flowers, turned down.  Follows her to class and reads poetry.

Neil tells Keating that he talked to his father, in Chicago and won't make it to play.  He wasn't happy, gone for 4 days.

"Red"  Indian for virility.

Chris shows up to Welton and tells Knox that she could care less about him even though he loves her.  They go to the play together. 

Neil plays Puck in play.  His father shows up.

Knox holds Chris's hand while watching the play.

Neil's father walks in midway through the play and watches stone faced.   There is a standing ovation.  Mr. Perry sends him to the car and tells Keating to say away from his son.

At home with parents...defiance...Mr. Perry tells Neil to withdraw from Welton to go to military school then medical school.  He tries to stand up to his father...father tells him to forget acting.  Mother feels sympathy.

Neil sneaks into his father's study, uses a key to open a drawer and gets his father's gun.  He sits in silence for some time.  Father awakes to a sound, he does not find Neil in his room.  He walks into the study to find that his son shot himself.  Neil Perry is dead.

Todd, looks at grounds covered in snow, "It's beautiful." 

Keating alone in classroom, looks in desk to for the book Five Centuries of Verse.  Opens book, reads words printed in front and cries.

Thorough inquiry.  Cameron is a fink.  Board of Directors, Trustees.  Schools go down.  Honor Code.  Told Nolan.  They are not after students, after Keating.  "You can't save Keating, but you can save yourselves."

Norwanda, expelled.

Tom Anderson...parents at school for inquisition...boys signed a contract

Skipped Realists in textbook.

Instructed to read introduction, but it is all ripped out.

Outburst by Anderson...Keating asked to leave.

"O Captain, my captain" and boys stand on desks...half the class.  Teacher yells for everyone to sit down.  Keating thanks boys.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get to see the second half, wow! Dramatic. Good notes.
