Friday, November 22, 2013

What is High School For?

I would think that high school is for preparing young men and women for college.  It is not so much about getting them ready for the world of work.  When I think of work, I don't necessarily think if a job.  I think of a career.  That is what college prepares you for.  Sadly, most college grads are working retail or in the service industry, not the field in which they studied.  You don’t necessarily need a college background in order to work in these areas.  Most people don’t have corporate, professional, or specialty jobs.  Some jobs only require vocational or on the job training.  I believe that the world has more workers than people with careers.

I think high school is more about the social aspect of education.  If you are well liked you have self esteem.  If you are well liked by your teachers, they will grade you easily.  If you are well liked, you can succeed with good grades.  It is not about the work.  It is about the attitude.  If people like you, you get further ahead in the world.


I would like self expression taught in schools; Appropriate self expression.  We are used to seeing boredom and disrespect in schools.  I believe that if people can learn to have positive attitudes about themselves and each other, it would make it a better place in high school and beyond.

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