Monday, October 21, 2013

Brainstorming for Paper #2

As I sit in front of my computer trying to come up with ideas for my second paper, my mind is blank.  It is not that I haven't given the subject much thought, before I received all the details about this assignment, I had a certain idea about the direction I wanted to take with it.  I soon found out that what I intended to write about did not necessarily fit the criteria for this assignment.  I am sure the final paper would have been great in its own way, but not for this application.  I am now back to the drawing board.  I guess it is better to find this out now than later, when I would have invested so much time and energy in this project, only to have to change direction later.

School has never been a fun place for me, at least not academically.  It was more of a social playground, especially in high school.  Although, I have many instances to choose material from my past educational experiences, I graduated from high school almost twenty-five years ago, in 1990.  To some of my college classmates, K-12 would literally seem as it were just yesteryear.  With my experiences being so long ago, my memories are vague.  I am sure I could come up with adequate examples with the use of some poetic license.  Or perhaps each teacher will end up being a mix of several, as I try my best to sort through the details.

Whoever I decide to write about, I am not sure, but they would have made an impact in my life.  Whatever details I can recollect, I will have had to dig deep.  Whenever I come up with the inspiration, I hope that it is soon.  Where ever that may be, I will have to stop what I am doing and write.  Why?  Because that is how my brain works.  I have to be in the right mood. However this plays out, it'll happen when my frame of mind is in the right place.   Only then, I will produce something that is worth sharing.

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