Friday, October 11, 2013

Learning About the Truth

            I have always thought of myself to be an honest person.  I expect that others are also honest with me.  I have been disappointed many times.  Whenever anyone shares information with me, I expect that they are being truthful.  Sadly, that is not always the case.  In sharing myself, I have been left vulnerable and open to be hurt.  Sometimes, it is not my words, but my face that gives it all away.  I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I can be too trusting.  I just want to be real.  And I falsely hold the belief that everyone is being real with me.

          I have put myself into situations where my mouth had gotten me in trouble.  I have been known to blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind.  I know I need to think before I speak.  It is a struggle to keep my thoughts to myself.  It is also tough for me to hold back my emotions.  It has been said that if you can’t say anything nice, you shouldn’t say anything at all.  Trying to fix a situation where you said too much can be nearly impossible.  Silence is golden.  Sometimes keeping your thoughts to yourself is best.  Some thoughts should be kept private.

          I honestly love people and want what’s best for them.  When I speak, it comes from my heart.  Being honest with everyone is a good policy because you never have to remember what you said to someone.  You don’t need to cover-up lies or half truths.  But words can be misunderstood.  I have hurt people with my honest thoughts and opinions.  I have left myself open to criticism from others.  I wish others weren’t so judgmental.

          The definition of learning is a change in behavior due to experience.  I need to learn how to handle myself better when it comes to my verbal outbursts.  I hope to someday know when to speak the truth or keep the truth to myself.

1 comment:

  1. i feel like you just typed out my life right there!!! i am the exact same way, its like we're one in the same!!! we should hang out sometime... haha but seriously... i'm way too honest with people and it gets me in trouble off the ying yang, i never think before i speak unless i'm typing it out.. then i have a lot of time to think about what i'm saying... but if its in person, i'm screwed.
