Friday, October 4, 2013

Commentary Regarding My First Paper Assignment

            For my college English 101 class, I have been assigned to write 3 formal papers.  The first of the three is supposed to be a 1,000-1,200 word narrative essay about a significant educational experience from my life.  There have been so many significant moments.  To help us narrow down the subject, our professor had us do a writing exercise.  In class we had a few moments to answer the question, “What is the most important lesson you have ever learned?” 
            At this particular moment in my life, the topic that is meaningful to me is the subject of judgment.  I have pondered this topic for some time.  What judgments have I made about other people?  What judgments have I made about myself?  What judgments have other people made about me?  These questions came to light when a friend posted a quote on Facebook.  This anonymous quote has been posted on the internet with some variations, “Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.  Be kind.  Always.”  These words really hit home for me.  Hard.


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