Saturday, October 12, 2013

Finding Friendship


Trying to be a good friend has taken much of my lifetime. Learning began with the first relationships I had with my parents when I was a newborn. When my siblings were born, I learned how to communicate and interact with them. As a child, I had a few friends in my neighborhood. It was interesting to see how their family differed from my own; both physically and socially. Again, I gained even more insight on more people when I started school. Each individual person was different.

In meeting new people, I have had to adjust my way of thinking and behavior to adapt to relationships outside of my family unit. It was unfamiliar territory and I had to make adjustments. Some people held similar ideals and attitudes as me and we became fast friends. We had many things in common. With other people, our personalities clashed. This is possibly because our differences made us uncomfortable around each other. I gravitated to staying around people who were within my comfort zone. My inclination to choose certain groups to spend my time with also had to do with how comfortable others felt around me.

Over the years, some friendships have come and gone. Others are still intact today. As people change and evolve, each relationship is sure to change. Hopefully for the better.

1 comment:

  1. Jane, this is a terrific blog--your posts do a great job of engaging with the texts and ideas we've been looking at this quarter, and they're thoughtful and well articulated. Keep up the good work!
