Friday, October 11, 2013

The Differences Between Essays and Blogs

            Comparing the educational narratives in this unit has been a challenge for me.  I am the type of student that finds it difficult to give opinions and my interpretations of other peoples’ works.  I am a literal reader and find it hard to “read between the lines”.  I take most things in life at face value and don’t spend much time looking beneath the obvious top layer.

            I found that the essays, while interesting, were a bit hard to read compared to the blogs.  There was not much to look at during my first glance but a large amount of text.  They were paragraphs utilizing words with no variation in font or color, like a novel.

            The blogs, while technically still essays, seemed more interesting to look at.  It was like reading a magazine or newspaper article with pictures or a children’s book with illustrations.  It was much more inviting.  They drew me in.

            Each writer had their own style.  While they were all interesting in their own way, the way each narrative was presented brought different reactions from me.  For me, the first impression has a big impact.  I could miss out on reading a very interesting book or article just because of my initial reaction to the appearance.

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