Friday, October 18, 2013

What Makes Good and Bad Teaching

All People Are Different, We Should Embrace It

  • I think good teaching comes from taking all the parts of all the people's minds into consideration.  We not only need to teach things according to the way the majority works, but also utilize approaches that take the individual person's mind and how it works into account as well.  Everyone is not the same.  There should not be a one size fits all approach. 

  • It is a shame to squander someone's talents because popular opinion of what is important is different.  Just because you believe something is important it does not mean that everyone should, or must, agree.  I think that people should be allowed to follow their ideas and see where it takes them without someone telling them that what they think is foolish, wrong, or not important. 

  • Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.  We can't all be strong in every area every time.   The weaknesses of an individual can be made up by the strengths of another.  It all balances out.  The world can become a better place when we all work together.

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