Sunday, October 27, 2013

Group Discussion: Stand and Deliver

Single Scene, Second half of movie.

The scene discussed which was a great example of good teaching, was the scene where Mr. Escalante went to the Educational Testing Service (ETS) building to demand to see the tests that his students took. As he entered he was greeted by Dr. Pearson, and Dr. Rameriez whom were the two men that went to the school to investigate the conspiracy that had occurred, the investigators told Escalante that all students got fewer than five wrong on their tests... that the average answers answered wrong in other schools range from 10-14 incorrect. They stated that the class also finished the test with plenty of time to spare. They were nice to say that they had no proof of wrong doing they only have suspicion of cheating.  Furthermore the investigators told Escalante that the problem wasn’t with him it is with the ETS and the students. Escalante stated that he is the teacher and he knows his kids and he wants to see the tests, and that if they all made the same mistakes maybe it is because they all had the same teacher, and he taught them step by step calculus. Escalante accuses them of racism stating that if this were the beverly hills school, they wouldn't be second guessing those students,  Dr. Pearson got very offended as he grew up in that area of living as well. The discussion got heated and Escalante leaves the room leaving behind few words to catch their attention. "If I catch you on the street I'm gonna kick the shit out of you!"- J.Escalante

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to include this scene in my notes... Whoops! Anyhow, you illustrated the scene very well. :)
