Friday, October 11, 2013

Malcolm X vs. Mike Rose: A Comparison of Essays

            For this blog post, I was assigned the task to compare the essays “Learning to Read” by Malcolm X and “I Just Wanna Be Average” by Mike Rose.  I found many similarities in the writings even though they are quite different.  They each covered educational experiences they have encountered. 

            Malcolm X wrote about how he learned to read in the prison system.  He felt that the education he got by teaching himself to read and understand the English language by studying the dictionary helped him articulate his thoughts and feelings to a higher degree.   Self teaching enriched not only his vocabulary; it opened up his mind to new horizons.  He could then understand and learn how to appreciate the other texts he read as well.  The ability to express himself helped further his personal interests. 

            Mike Rose wrote about how he was placed in a vocational learning path due to mistaken identity; he shared the name Rose with another student.  He felt that he received a substandard education that would make it hard to achieve greater things in life based on test scores and placement tests.  He used many examples of just doing the minimum or not putting any effort forth at all.

            I found Malcolm X’s writing style to be an easier read while Mike Rose’s story was hard to follow.  While they were both educational narratives, I found the differences to be night and day.  It may be due to the vast differences in their educational experiences of the particular time of their lives that they wrote about.  While both were academically disadvantaged, they choose two different ways to view and handle their situations.  I found Malcolm X’s narrative to be inspiring, while Rose’s left me with a feeling of disappointment.  A person’s drive to succeed makes all the difference.

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